
I am Back

Its been a long while. New job or Jobs, weddings, moving house etc etc etc have prevented me doing what i love best. COOKING so anyway i am back i am ready and i am rearing to go.

What i want to do from this is post my love of cooking. I am a made baker and really want to bring back somthing from a world past.

People dont seem to want to bake anymore. If you call mixing up a store bought packet baking well it kinds is but there is nothing more satifying for me than to whip up a batch of Lemonade scones, Brownies or my favorite (hence the blog name) Red Velvet cake. i am also a mean Cupcake baker.

Whilst most of my posts will be about baking i want to also incorporate some simple easy yummy home cooked meals aswell.

so stay tuned.



Jimmy Simpson said...

Welcome !!Keep posting
Jimmy Simpson
Wedding Cake Writer

Sprinkles said...

Hi Brett, would love to see you post more, we love baking! :)